People Behind the Purses: Katie

Today I get to do one of my favorite things: introduce a new purse, and tell you all about the person it’s named after.
Blood, sweat and tears all go into the designing process, so it’s always a big moment when it finally releases! So, without further ado, meet Katie! Katie is a mini-Rozzi style, so it’s a lightweight, hands-free way to carry your essentials. Like Rozzi, Katie is worn as a back pack with the adorable sling style, giving us the ease and mobility we all want.
I decided on the name “Katie” in honor of my Aunt Kat. For the past 10+ years, Sarah and I haven stayed with our Uncle Mark and Aunt Kat in Minneapolis when we travel there. They are generous and loving, constantly cheering us on!

Aunt Kat is a great cook and an avid reader. I just love to browse her bookcases, and I always feel at home when we are together. She and my uncle are precious people on our lives, always giving us a soft place to land and recharge.
Keep on reading to get to know her a bit yourself. :)
How do you know Rebekah?
Rebekah is my niece (her dad and my husband are brothers). Bekah and Sarah were our adorable twin flower girls when we were married.
Give us a brief bio of yourself.
I was an army brat when I was growing up. I was born in El Paso, then I lived in several states before my parents settled in Rapid City when I was 5. I met and married my husband Mark there. We have one son, Hunter, who is in his 30s now! I spent several years working retail in my 20s and 30s, and then I decided to go back to college at age 37. I got my BS in Computer Science in 2004, and have worked in IT ever since. I love to travel, and this is where my passion for RSD purses has really come to fold. I like to have a new purse for every adventure!
How many RSD purses do you own?
LOL - had to go and count. I currently own 14. There have been a few that I have given as gifts, and one or two that I had to retire...
Do you have a favorite fabric?
I always seem to like the special edition fabrics that you can only get for a hot minute.
Do you own/have you seen the Katie purse yet? What do you like about it?
I haven't! I plan to buy it, whatever it is! lol
We're curious about a few of your favorites.
I have a passion for books and music. I love a WIDE variety of music, so it's hard to pin down a favorite. For books, I love a good fantasy or mystery. Currently obsessing over the Louise Penny mysteries.
Do you have a quote or motto you live by?
"Always have a plan B.”
Do you have a must-have item in your purse, and why?
Carmex. I just cannot handle chapped lips.
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