My Favorite Vacuum Cleaner for Pets
It is so important to take care of our homes. In some ways, a happy home can be foundational to all our other systems running well. And sometimes when talking about homemaking, you just have to get super practical. And so I wanted to give you a very practical recommendation for a great vacuum: the Shark upright vacuum with the TruePet upgrade.

I never thought we would be indoor pet people until we had puppies. Now I do enjoy having pets inside, but it comes at the price of lots of hair! That, combined with several long-haired girls, has made me up my game on cleaning. The Shark is an investment, but it’s worth it.
I come from a family of big time Kirby owners, so I feel a little rebellious. :) Kirbys are super heavy, so when I made the switch to a Shark, I was so relieved!
If you are in the market for a new vacuum, or if pet hair is a problem, I definitely recommend the Shark.
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